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Hallal Bi Hallal, Release Pilgrim and Move Task

Prof. Zairin gave a speech in the event of hallal bi hallal Medical Faculty of University Lambung Mangkurat.

As Muslims we must always keep the rope silahturahmi, incidentally is still in the atmosphere of Eid Mubarak we strengthen again silahturahmi among fellow colleagues in our beloved campus.

After the speech of the dean proceeded to read the holy verses of the Qur’an. Furthermore, giving lecture material. On the sidelines of the lecture the ustadz inserted a funny thing as intermezo for the liquid atmosphere back.

As high as any science, treasure and throne will be equal in the eyes of God. So we must always humble and maintain our good relationship to God and fellow Man.

After the lecture the event continued with the delivery of the parcel as a symbol of the release of Hajj. all the attendees in the room shook hands in turn. The entire staff and also the Medical Faculty so wisely implement it.